14 Reasons Why Everyone Should Try Solo Travel in Their Lifetime
Solo travel to Thailand
I went on my first solo trip in October of 2011. Going alone hadn’t been my preference or original intention. But after asking and waiting for friends to become available, I suddenly started to worry that I was wasting precious travel moments waiting for others to have the time or money to travel. And eventually my longing to travel became stronger than my desire for companionship.
It was then that I decided to make the journey across the pond on my own. So what if I had to go alone, I’d always been good at making my own fun.
Little did I know that I was about to embark on the first of many solo travels. And how meaningful they would come to be in my life.
Nor did I realize how surprising this would be to some. People told my parents - I can’t BELIEVE you’d let your daughter travel alone. (Personally I’m shocked that they would think they have a right to control a 23 year old making her own money!). Although among the most liberal-minded, the fact that I was traveling alone was often met with admiration.
After my first solo trip was such a success, I continued to have them….until word got out and my friends saw how much fun I was always having and then they started tagging along on my adventures too.
I truly believe traveling solo was one of the best decisions I ever made. Here are a few ways it changed my life and why I recommend everyone try solo travel at least once…
1. You will soul search and learn more about who you are.
When you’re traveling solo, you will spend a lot of time in your head….on long bus rides, train rides, or plane rides….it’s a wonderful time for self-reflection. A time to think about what you really care about and what you want. If you’ve ever been feeling a little lost and unsure what to do next - I highly recommend you take some time to soul search with a solo trip.
2. You will be pushed out of your comfort zone and become more confident in your self.
When I returned from my first solo trip, I had this immense sense of accomplishment. Figuring things out on your own….even small things like learning to ride the subway in a foreign country (when you don’t speak the language) has a tremendous impact on what you believe you’re capable of. It gives you bravery to do things you haven’t done before - both in travel and other spheres of your life - because you’ve witnessed your own ability to figure out the things life throws at you.
3. When you travel alone, you tend to meet more people….and make friends with people from all over the world.
When you travel alone, you immediately get better at small talk or striking up a conversation with a stranger. Because you quickly learn this is the key to traveling solo, but not being alone. When you meet people traveling, I’ve found that you often form deeper friendships faster….maybe it’s because you’re of a similar mindset. People who value travel - especially if they too are traveling solo. It’s like you’re in a club together. Something that not many people have realized the power of. I have stayed in touch with many people I met traveling and hung out with for a week, or even just a few days - because though short, they were meaningful connections.
4. You are free to make your own decisions and follow your own path.
When you don’t have to answer to any traveling companions, the world opens up with possibilities. You want to change your plans and travel to Chiang Mai instead of Phuket? You can. You want to go skydiving on a whim? You can. You want to spend the whole day in bed with a beautiful Spanish man you met the night before? You can. It’s liberating to know that you don’t have to answer to anyone, or be responsible for anyone else but yourself. You are free to do exactly what you want to do and change your mind or plan, at any given moment.
5. You’ll be more focused on the destination and soaking up the culture.
Because you won’t be distracted with friends, you’ll be more in tune with your surroundings and soaking up everything going on in your destination. You’ll catch sight of something magnificent because you have nothing else to focus on besides the place you’re in. You’ll find a deeper appreciation for the beauty in a place, it’s culture, and people. You’ll be more open to wandering and gain greater understanding of what it would be like to live in this place.
6. You’re going to try things you never thought you would.
You’re going to experience things you never in a million years thought you would try. Because after all, there’s no one there who knows you to judge you. So you turn into Lauren Adjacent. And Lauren Adjacent will try all sorts of things that Lauren back home would not normally try. Maybe she’ll try eating a bug in Thailand….or go cliff-diving in the Philippines. Maybe she’d open herself up to a week-long romance….or try stand up comedy at an open mic night in Berlin.
7. You can travel at your own pace.
When you’re solo, you can do everything at your own pace. You don’t have to worry about if Molly is taking too long to do her makeup or if Cheryl is walking too slow. You chose your travel style. You choose what time to wake up and start sightseeing. You chose what is important to you and you do exactly that. You will have no regrets because you’re moving thru the trip how you see fit for YOU.
8. There’s something exhilarating about traveling alone.
Let me tell you something about traveling alone — it’s exciting as hell. Some people crave the rush of jumping out of a plane. I crave hopping on a plane to somewhere where I don't know anyone and don’t have any plans. You have no idea where the next few days, or weeks or months will take you. But you just go with it. Each day you wake up not knowing what’s going to happen or who you are going to meet. It’s thrilling. And I guarantee it - once you try it, you’ll want to do it again. It’s addicting.
9. You open yourself up to romances on the road.
Ah another fun one. Travel romance is one of the most wonderful things you can find on your travels. It’s important to both be on the same page about where it can possibly can go (often times it’s limited to a small time frame due to homelands far apart). But if you are it can be extremely passionate and in the moment, and special. Something to look back on and help mark your time in that destination.
10. It will improve your mental health.
Traveling alone can also work wonders on your mental health. If you’re in a bad place at home and need to escape your routine - try traveling solo. It’ll give you the space and time to reflect and figure out what you need to take care of yourself. Sometimes just a change of pace from our typical environment can help put the world in perspective. Maybe the trip will help you de-stress from your job or distance yourself from something at home that you need a break from. Vacation time has been proven to be wonderful for the mind.
11. You’ll be free to form your own opinions about the world.
People are often very quick to judge places and people they don't know. But thru travel, you open your mind up - you learn that a country is not dangerous just because it’s poor. Or how often the media back home exacerbates certain situations or circumstances. Being there first hand, you can determine how you really feel about things and in turn, help educate others….encouraging them to seek out their own truths too.
12. You’ll learn to live life independently.
Learning to be alone is a wonderful thing. That’s not to say you should strive to be alone forever - simply that, it’s freeing when you learn how to be happy on your own. When you don’t rely on company and others to entertain you or keep you motivated. I can’t tell you how many people tell me they are afraid to sit at a restaurant by themselves….I have done this so many times while traveling that I don’t even think twice about it! Thru solo travel, you learn to not fear spending time alone - and but instead, actually enjoy it.
13. You’ll learn to be a more compassionate person.
Thru travel, you’ll see many things. Some things that will make you smile, and some things that will make you cry. You’ll learn that good people do bad things…maybe out of desperation…maybe to help their family…it’s easy to judge until you meet them. Or spend the day walking in their shoes. By getting to know people different than you, you’ll find it easier to accept, forgive, and show compassion. Today, tomorrow, and forever.
14. You learn to live in the moment.
Travel brings so many things to your life. But I think one of the greatest things you take away from the experience is that life is short. So you learn to live in the moment. Because why not? Home is far away and there’s no one here that knows the you you used to be. The only thing you need to worry about is right here and now - this fleeting moment in time and how to make the most of it.