11 Tips to Keep Motivated While Working Remotely


I’m going to go out on a limb and assume that most of us have never experienced anything like 2020. Between a worldwide pandemic, economic crisis, lockdowns & loneliness, increased spotlight on systemic racism and a push for change – there is A LOT going on this year.  


And it would be unfair to assume that we know how to tread water that we haven’t been in before.  


Everyone is dealing with 2020 in their own unique way and doing what they need to do to get through this challenging time.  For some (introverts, I’m looking at you), it might be a little easier to hunker down and be productive.  While our extrovert friends might feel a surge of anxiety from the lack of human contact.  


And it’s OK to fluctuate day by day.  And it’s OK to take things one day at a time.  However you’re behaving or whatever you’re feeling right now – it’s OK. You’re OK.


But all that said – if you have addressed your current state of mind and feel ready to take steps to increase your motivation while working remotely – whether you are a permanent digital nomad or just one due to the circumstances (hey corona-nomads!), I wanted to share some of my top tips for getting out of a rut and finding motivation.


These are all things that I myself have employed in my daily life and routine to stay on track – and I have no doubt you’ll find them useful as well!

Let’s get into it!


Tip #1:  Set Goals for Yourself

It was not an accident that goal setting made the number 1 spot on this list!  The sooner you can learn this the better – because it is an immensely helpful tool in staying motivated and working towards the things you want in life.


I like to live by the SMART system – which is a tried and true method of powerful goal setting.  It stands for:

·     Specific – getting super clear about what you want and making sure it’s well defined 

·     Measurable – include exact amounts, dates, percentages, etc. so that you can measure your success (i.e. say “I want to write 4 blog posts a week” vs saying “I want to write more”)

·     Attainable – don’t set yourself up for failure by trying to take on too much…goals should actually be doable!

·     Relevant – your goals should relate back to the things in life and work that you truly want and are working towards

·     Time Bound – give yourself a deadline to create urgency and give yourself an extra push. I like to give myself short term (1 month or 3 month) goals as well as longer term goals (6 months, 1 year, etc.)


I also think it’s very helpful to write your goals out – the mere act of putting a goal down on paper has an incredible ability to make it more real.  Another great way to make sure you stay accountable is to share your goals out loud to someone or goal-set together with a friend.


Tip #2:  Create a Routine

When you feel like you’re a bit off and are having trouble finding the motivation to do the things you need to do each day, try setting a routine and sticking to it.  When you practice the same routine each day, over time these habits become easier and more ingrained in our heads.


It may seem hard to meditate or go for a morning jog each day when you first get started, but just remind yourself that it gets easier.  Push through the first few weeks as you are acclimating and one day you’ll wake up and it will feel like second nature to put on your running shoes and dart out the door.


Creating not only helps you adapt healthy living habits, but it also helps you structure your time. For example, maybe you set an alarm to wake up at 6am each day – go for a run (1 hour), meditate (15 min), have breakfast (25 min), then move onto emails and client needs (4 hours), lunch (1 hour), etc.  When you know exactly when and how much time you have to complete a task, you can better organize your time and structure your day.


Tip #3:  Listen to and Read Inspirational Materials

One of my favorite ways to get motivated when I’m in a slump is to find a podcast that inspires me or pick up a great book that kicks me into motion.  There’s something very powerful in hearing that you aren’t alone in how you are feeling….when you listen to a podcast around the exact issue that you are experiencing and realize there are actual SOLUTIONS to the problem, it can give you the catalyst you need.


I personally love books and podcasts around motivation, visualization, mindset, business, and girl power.  These things inspire me in life and my career.


A few podcasts to check out are Happier with Gretchen Rubin, School of Success, and School of Greatness. I also love Hashtag Authentic & Amy Porterfield’s Online Marketing Made Easy (which are a combination of motivational and marketing tips).


For books, you can pick up You Are a Badass, You Are a Badass at Making Money, The 4 Hour Workweek, and The Power of Habit.  I also recently read Business of One which was great if you are a small business owner (or even just operate as a small business within a larger org).


Tip #4:  Do Tasks That Actually Energize You 

Have you ever heard of being in a state of flow?  This is that awesome feeling when you are completely immersed in an activity – you feel energized and time just melts away.  Everyone has SOMETHING that puts them into a state of flow and it’s important to identify what these activities are for you and find ways to incorporate them into your day.


If you work for someone else, this may involve having a chat with your boss about incorporating the tasks that really set your soul on fire into your job responsibilities.   If you work for yourself, you should ask yourself – how can I change my business model or update my offerings to reflect the things that I’m passionate about.


Flow is good for the mind - leading to increased energy and excitement for the tasks at hand, as well as can improve performance, and encourage you to further develop a skill set.  So lots of benefits….it’s definitely a place we want to be!!!


Tip #5:  Journaling

If you have yet to hop on the journaling train – stop everything you’re doing and start now!  Successful people throughout history have kept journals, and that should include YOU!   


Journaling has a positive impact on your physical and mental well-being.  For starters, it’s a great way to unwind and de-stress.  And we could all use a little help banishing stress from our lives right now!!  By putting your thoughts down on paper, it actually helps you work through certain events and come to terms with them.


If you need to clarify your feelings or practicing mindfulness, Journaling works for this as well! By writing down the thoughts in your head, you’ll become better acquainted with yourself and get super clear on the things you actually want in life and your career.


Research even shows that people who journal and exercise creative writing are more adaptive and better problem solvers in their everyday life.  Writing unlocks creative capabilities that we didn’t even know existed and helps you to see solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems.  Not to mention it is great for resolving disagreements too and help you to understand others points’ of view.

I could go on, and on 


Tip #6:  Exercise

I think everyone is pretty familiar with the benefits of exercise.  And yet not everyone takes advantage of this fabulous tool for your mind and body. I think the key thing with exercise is just to find something that YOU love….and sometimes it takes a bit of time and trying out different options to find what works for you.  


If you hate going to the gym, don’t force yourself – this is bound to end with you thinking working out isn’t for you.  Maybe instead hiking and being in nature would be nice for you.


Or if you find yoga super boring, maybe try an energetic dance class.


If you feel like you don’t have time for exercise, try to incorporate brisk walks or running while listening to a business audio book.  


The good news is that the benefits you reap from exercise are the same no matter which method you use to get there.  


Tip #7:  Take a Break

I know what it’s like to get completely burnt out from working too hard, and this is something we want to avoid.  So please please please give yourself a break.  Make sure you make time for the things you enjoy in life – whether that’s going out dancing with friends, taking a trip to the beach, hosting game night, etc.  


Having something to look forward to can be wildly motivating as well – so make sure you plan moments to check out from work and do something just for fun.  It’s proven that people who take breaks – and vacations – perform higher at work and have more peace of mind.  



Tip #8:  Join Social Communities

One of the hardest things about being a digital nomad and working remote is the feeling of isolation and loneliness.  That’s why I always try to get out in front of that!  And there are many ways you can go about this.


One great way to combat loneliness is to have conversations with people on social media who are in a similar boat.  For example, the Female Digital Nomads Facebook group is a thriving community where I can connect with likeminded women, who relate to my situation.


You can also work at coworking spaces (when not in lockdown) or join a coworking/coliving retreat such as those put on by WifiTribe or WorkWanders.  These companies host multi-week events, bringing together remote workers in exciting destinations around the world.


Tip #9:  Mix It Up

Another important bit of advice is to always mix it up.  If you work day in and day out in the same room, at the same desk, not seeing anyone….you’re bound to go crazy! become better acquainted with yourself!  


Take your computer to your patio, work with a friend for the day, go to a café, go on a digital nomad retreat, etc.  This will keep life and your work interesting and avoid becoming too mundane.


Tip #10:  Reward Yourself!

Now this is one of my favorite ones, and with good reason!  I recommend setting up some rewards for yourself once you hit your goals. For example, maybe you make a vow to eat healthy all week but then plan to enjoy an ice cream cone on Sunday if you stick to your plan.  This gives you something to look forward to at the end of the tunnel.   


Tip #11:  Go Easy On Yourself


And last but not least, be kind to yourself. Please.  As I mentioned earlier, this is a weird year and it’s hard to know exactly how to react in unprecedented times.  So go easy on yourself.  Remind yourself that it’s ok to not know and trust that you will navigate these waters as best you can.


Well I hope these tips were useful!  As always, if you got something from this article – I’d love for you to share!
