Why I Wrote an eBook About Instagram Growth


When I first started my Instagram account, I wasn’t really sure if I was going to keep it up….but here I am 8 months later still going strong and enjoying the ride!

When I was growing up, I had a lot of opportunities to be creative in school — whether it be thru writing or drama or Destination Imagination (Texas’s version of Odyssey of the Mind…true .dorks will know what this is lol). But as I’ve gotten older, creative pursuits had taken a bit of a backseat to the workin world and making money. That’s not to say that I never get to be creative at my job—I do. But there’s also a lot of organizational, business stuff that often dominates.

I think that’s why developing this blog and starting my Instagram account @theoutofofficegal has brought me so much joy—it was an opportunity to be creative and share my biggest passion, travel. There’s only so much you can gush to you friends about your most recent trip….so having a space where everyone wants to hear about travel, learn and discover, was very special. And why I’ve kept up the daily work of running these platforms. Because trust me, it ain’t always easy!

When I was first starting out, growth was super slow. I kept my accounts a secret from my family and friends—so I can’t even say my mom was following me. Lol.

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It took a lot of trial and error to figure out the formula that worked for me to get seen and grow. And when I started seeing real results, a lot of friends I met thru Instagram began reaching out to ask me what I was doing. Always trying to be helpful, I would share some top level things I was did that worked for growth….but it never felt like enough time or space to explain everything. That’s why I decided to write an ebook on Instagram Growth - specifically from the perspective of a travel account.

This isn’t to say that the advice couldn’t be applied to another niche….it of course can! But the specific examples throughout are for the travel niche.

Whenever I would search for growth tactics, the advice was always really general and certainly not tailored to travel accounts. So that’s why I decided to sit down and write a guide with specific, actionable steps to take to aid growth.

I poured a lot of time and effort into this and I sincerely hope it is useful. If you ever have any questions, as always, please reach out!!

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I’ll continue to modify and add to this….if you have any comments feel free to let me know! I’ve already made a modification based on a follow up question a purchaser had.

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