Thanksgiving Reflections 2019


So I started to write my Thanksgiving Instagram caption and realized I had so much more to say on the topic of gratefulness than I could possibly express in a post caption.   And now I’m sitting down at a computer and typing this out into a blog post – because I feel that this year and my level of gratitude is worthy of more than 2200 characters.

2019 has been a year to remember.  I’ll start with that.

There have been ups and downs—as with anyone and any year, but it’s also been a very eye-opening year for me.  And as a result, I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting and feeling utterly grateful.

Things I used to take for granted, I suddenly feel so grateful for…it’s crazy what a fresh, new perspective can do for your outlook on life.

I started out the year stressed and unhappy.  I was feeling a little lost—as we all do from time to time.  But then life threw me a curveball in the form of my company announcing it was closing—and I found the silver lining in the situation.  I crated a wonderful new setup in which I worked remotely and it re-invigorated my energy and enthusiasm for my job, as well as gave me the opportunity to do more of the things that set my heart on fire.

When one door closes, you can stand there fretting about what is next, or you can step thru and see for yourself.  


Either way, it’s better to know sooner rather than later, right?  


After the company closed, I opened my own little company and am now working for myself– something I had always wanted to do, but had been too afraid to try up until now.  

I’ve never been a huge risk taker when it comes to work.  I know this may may sound shocking to some of you—as a girl who loves traveling solo and is constantly seeking out adventures.  But it’s true.  When it comes to money and success, I have already tread with extreme trepidation.  It’s one of the side effects of my chronic perfectionism.  Avoid anything that may cause failure.

There’s a lot to be thankful for just when I look at the professional side of my life.  I’m grateful for the support from my client, encouragement from loved ones, help from colleagues and dear friends, and finding the strength inside to take a chance.

Not only have I been able to embark on starting something of my own, but throughout these new undertakings, I’ve had the flexibility to fit more travel into my life.  Which as everyone knows, is my great passion in life.

When I can travel, I’m 100x happier.  It’s when I feel most myself.  


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I love talking about travel, sharing tips and advice with others, and of course, most of all, being on an adventure….on my own or with friends & family!

My travels this year have catalysts a creativity streak that I had not exercised in years.  It led me to start a blog and my travel Instagram….both of which have brought me so much joy.  

And thru THOSE platform, I have had the opportunity to connect with so many other fellow travelers, as well as those eager to travel who I can offer insight and advice to.  

Location independence and workplace flexibility not only allowed me to travel more, it also allowed me to be more present for those in my life that needed me most.  Facing difficulties sucks, but even more so when you’re alone.  And you never want your friends to go thru tough times alone.

So without that one BAD event – my company closing….none of this other great stuff would have happened.  It’s kind of funny to think about!  To be thankful for something that to most people would dread….for me it was an opportunity.  

It’s really one of those – when-life-gives-you-lemons things, I guess!

Santa Monica

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Switching gears here now and just want to express my love and gratitude for the people in my life.  Of which there are many.  

Namely, my boyfriend—grateful to have know him as long as I have and shared so many amazing, fun, crazy times.  Happy to have a little budding home with him as well and for our newest addition to the family, June.  And so thankful that she has taken to him SO much LOL!  In spite of all the years we’ve known each other, I think it’s so cool that we are sharing things we’ve never shared before with each other now….  Always working on ourselves and being better partners to each other.  That’s the kind of partnership people dream of!

My friend group is something I continue to be so so thankful for.  No matter how many years go by or miles we put between us, we’ve managed to stay close. They inspire, entertain and impress me on a daily basis and I fully recognize how lucky we are to have such a group.  A thru-thick-and-thin,  sickness-and-in-health, til-death-do-us-part kind of group.


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And of course, my family. I’ve always been lucky here - I was born to great parents, and though my sisters and I haven’t gotten on in the past - I think we’re great now. This year in particular, I feel they have really been there to help me when I needed it - especially when it came to my new role as a dog owner :)

 I haven’t always been thankful for my health (as I’ve always battled some smaller, annoying issues) but I realize now that there’s so much to be grateful for in this category as well. I can walk, hear, see….I don’t have anything life threatening. It’s a gift.

 I know there are many other things that should make this list but I want to get this up & published before my regular scheduled post - getting down to the wire lol.

